northern white-cedar Cupressaceae Thuja
occidentalis L.
symbol: THOC2
Leaf: Evergreen, scale-like, on main shoots, 1/4 inch long with long points. Lateral shoots are flattened, 1/8 inch long with short points.
Flower: Species is monoecious; solitary, females green with 4 to 6 scales; males are green tipped with brown and globose.
Fruit: A cone, 1/2 inch long, oblong, borne upright on the branches, scales are leathery, red-brown and rounded, with a small spine on the tip.
Twig: New growth is green and scale-like, turning brown, occurring in very flattened foliar sprays.
Bark: Fibrous, red-brown, weathering to gray; diamond-shaped patterns are usually apparent.
Form: A small to medium sized tree shaped like an arrowhead - a pyramid with a broad base and a small, round top, often with several main trunks.
Looks like: Atlantic white-cedar
- Sawara-cedar
- western redcedar
- Oriental arborvitae